The particular session that I am referring to was called: National Security and Intelligence Operations, and it took place on September 12, 2013.
I was especially intrigued by their comments and insights regarding cybersecurity attacks against our nation, the impact of the Snowden affair and analysis and predictions regarding the ongoing need for cyber legislation. I saw this session on CSPAN this week, and the fresh content is compelling and well worth watching.
Who is INSA?
According to the INSA website:
“INSA is the premier intelligence and national security organization that provides a unique venue for collaboration, networking and examination of policy issues and solutions. Representing an unprecedented alliance among senior leaders from the public, private and academic sectors, INSA members form an unparalleled community of experts that collaborate to develop creative, innovative and timely solutions to the intelligence and national security issues facing the United States.”
The INSA website has a wealth of other good information, white papers, events and expert analysis. They handle intelligence and national security issues in a comprehensive and bipartisan manner. I definitely recommend that readers take a good look at what they have to offer.
Why was this session important?
So what was so impressive about this particular CSPAN video?
First, the passion and expertise displayed by Congressman Mike Rogers(R-Michigan) and Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Maryland) on a wide range of intelligence and cybersecurity topics is beyond impressive. After watching them talk about a variety of national security issues, all I could say was “WOW!”
Second, there is bipartisan support for cyber legislation, and there remains hope that some legislation could still pass this year.
Third, Congressman Rogers gave a strong support for the National Security Agency (NSA) in regards to the Snowden revelations. Regardless of your views on NSA’s activities and actions, you need to hear what Rogers has to say.
Fourth, both leaders emphasize the urgent action and importance of cyberdefense and actions by the private sector and government in defending our country moving forward. The passion comes through as the facts are made clear around ongoing cyberattacks and what might be next.
Lastly, I was very impressed with the quality and depth of knowledge displayed by these two excellent Congressional leaders. We hear so much “bad news” about Congress, about low public opinion regarding politicians, about too many “short sound bites” coming from Washington D.C. and a lack of in-depth analysis.
Well hear you go. Take an hour and watch this CSPAN video session. Afterward, I think you will agree that it was well worth your time.