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Best Fit Integrator Awards 2015 – Winners Announced

Top Tech Integrators Honored for their Work to Help Governments Operate More Efficiently

August 10, 2015 – Information technology integrators and industry leaders were honored as top integrators and innovators of technology solutions for government in 2015 at e.Republic’s Center for Digital Government’s Best Fit Integrator Awards dinner in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, yesterday.

The Best Fit Integrator Awards honor technology firms that tailor solutions to fit the unique needs of government. Winners were selected from nominations submitted by public sector agencies of companies who partnered with them on projects addressing such areas as business licensing, health and human services, finance and administrative services, and performance metrics and management.

“This year’s winners have shown that when government and industry truly work together amazing things can happen,” said Todd Sander, Executive Director for the Center for Digital Government. “The collaborations we are recognizing between these integrators and their government partners have improved government services for many people. Congratulations to the winners!”

2015 Best Fit Integrator Award Winners:

CGI Technologies & Solutions Inc.
Performance Award in Finance and Administration
Partner and Project: Kentucky Collections System Upgrade
The Kentucky Department of Revenue and the Commonwealth Office of Technology partnered with CGI to upgrade their 27-year-old collections system.  Predictive models were developed to help determine the most effective strategy, lowest cost and least intrusion. More than $53 million has been generated in new payments. 

CGI Technologies & Solutions Inc.
Modernization Award in Finance and Administration
Partner and Project: City of Los Angeles, Performance Budgeting (PB) Project
The City of Los Angeles partnered with CGI to replace their 15-year-old legacy budgeting system with a modern, web-based budgeting and reporting system called Performance Budgeting or PB - now the single, efficient and secure system that supports all budget cycle activities from preparation to publishing and adoption.

Modernization Award in Fleet Tracking and Emergency Response
Partner and Project: City of New York Department of Sanitation, BladeRunner

The City of New York Department of Sanitation (DSNY)’s BladeRunner system is a highly-customized fleet tracking application that utilizes GPS technology in over 3,000 vehicles in real time. Critigen integrated the geospatial systems and customized BladeRunner, which enhanced the effectiveness of DSNY’s fleet and is critical during snow emergencies when DSNY must quickly clear the streets.

Deloitte Consulting LLP
Exceptional Service Award in Health and Human Services
Partner and Project: KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services, kynect - Kentucky's Healthcare Connection

Deloitte Consulting and the Commonwealth of Kentucky agencies produced an integrated, multi-layer Health Benefit Exchange “kynect” that provides citizens with a web-based, mobile-device-accessible application for health insurance; now one in every 10 Kentuckians has affordable, quality health care for their families.
Performance Award in Finance and Administration
Partner and Project: NYS Department of Taxation and Finance, Tax Analytics Systems
IBM integrated “Case Identification and Selection Systems” into the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance’s existing systems - allowing analysis of incoming returns, and requiring returns to be corrected prior to filing which saved taxpayers $600 million in the first five years. Implementation of additional tax analytics systems have saved taxpayers over three billion dollars to date.

NIC Maryland 
Collaboration Award in Business Licensing
Partner and Project: MD Department of Business and Economic Development, Central Business Licensing & Registration Portal

The Maryland Central Business Licensing and Registration Portal (CBL) streamlines regulations and permitting processes for new businesses from 10 weeks to one business day, is a collaborative effort among NIC Maryland and five state departments, has a cost avoidance of $12.2 million and an adoption rate of nearly 70 percent.
SAP and KSM Consulting
Horizon Award in Administration
Partner and Project: Indiana Management and Performance Hub

Utilizing the expertise of both KSM Consulting and SAP, the state of Indiana launched their Management and Performance Hub, an advanced data analytics management system using big data that performs business analytics and in-depth case studies. The first major case study on infant mortality had significant findings that resulted in identification of at-risk groups and an additional $13.5 million in funded programs for prevention.

Harry Herington, CEO/Chairman
NIC Inc.
Leadership by Example Award

The Center for Digital Government (CDG) is a national research and advisory institute focused on technology policy and best practices in state and local government. CDG provides public- and private-sector leaders with decision support and actionable insight to help drive
21st-century government.

CDG is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government and education.

Contact:: Janet Grenslitt, Director of Surveys and Awards,