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Best of the Web Awards 2002

The 2002 Best of the Web winning sites were selected based on; A visible privacy statement, Actual online services, A written policy and / or program demonstrating your implementation or plan to implement Web accessibility standards, such as the W3C Level One guidelines or Section 508 accessibility standards.

The 2002 Best of the Web winning sites were selected based on the following criteria:

Minimum contest qualifications:

  1. A visible privacy statement
  2. Actual online services (beyond downloading PDFs), so that citizens can complete transactions online from start to finish.
  3. A written policy and / or program demonstrating your implementation or plan to implement Web accessibility standards, such as the W3C Level One guidelines or Section 508 accessibility standards.

Sites were additional judged on the following criteria:

  • Innovation and use of Web-based online technology to deliver government or education services (what is new or cutting edge about the site).
  • Efficiency or time saved (time saved internally, for a citizen and / or a student, teacher or parent and the ability to handle a complete transaction for service or business online).
  • Economy or money saved (was innovative funding used? public / private partnership? long term, continual savings projected?)
  • Functionality (ease of use) and improved access (customer satisfaction, easy navigation, clean appearance?)
  • Participation (ability for citizens, students, teachers, or parents to participate in online government and / or education?)

The 2002 Best of the Web contest judges include representatives from the Center for Digital Government, Government Technology magazine, Converge magazine, NYWired for Education Inc., Public Technology, Inc. (PTI), State Technologies, Inc., NY State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education, Metiri Group, California State University, Leslie University and the 2001 Best of the Web Contest winners from California and New York City.

We will be celebrating the winners at the Seventh Annual Best of the Web Award Dinner and Banquet on October 10, 2002 in New York City. Accommodations and airfare for a first place winner in each category will be provided so that they can receive their awards in person.


Congratulations to the Best of the Web 2002 Winners:

State Government
1st place: Virginia
2nd place: Maine
3rd place tie: Washington and Pennsylvania
4th place: Indiana
5th place tie: Texas and Mississippi

Local Government
1st place: Tampa, Florida
2nd place: Miami-Dade County, Florida
3rd place: Indianapolis / Marion County, Indiana
4th place: City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii
5th place: Dallas, Texas

"New 2002 Categories"

Higher Education
1st place: Collin County Community College District

1st place: Georgia Department of Education: Georgia Learning Connections

Finalists include:

Local Government
Alameda County, CA
Austin, TX
Colorado Springs, CO
Conyers, GA
Denver, CO
Denton, TX
Fairfax County, VA
Las Vegas, NV
Oakland County, MI
Phoenix, AZ
Salt Lake City, UT
Seattle, WA
Tucson, AZ
Virginia Beach, VA

State Government
Idaho State Tax Commission's online form 40EZ

Honorable Mentions:

State Government
Delaware Data Mapping and Integration Laboratory (DataMIL)
Secretary of State Jesse White

Local Government:
AC Transit
GRU (Gainesville Regional Utilities)
Jim Cissell, Hamilton County Clerk of Courts
Nebraska County E-Government Initiative

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