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Digital States Survey 2016 Results

Since the last biennial survey in 2014, grades improved in 17 states, declined in 10 and stayed even in 23. Michigan, Missouri and Utah maintained their A grade and Ohio and Virginia moved up to A designations.

September 19, 2016 - The Center for Digital Government announced the results of its biennial Digital States Survey 2016, an evaluation of the technology practices of all 50 states last night during an awards ceremony held in conjunction with the National Association of State CIOs annual conference in Orlando. 

The Digital States Survey evaluates states’ use of technology to improve service delivery, increase capacity, streamline operations and reach policy goals and assigns each state a grade based on quantifiable results. 

Since the last biennial survey in 2014, grades improved in 17 states, declined in 10 and remained even in 23. Ten states earned top grades, with Virginia and Ohio moving up to A designations and Michigan, Missouri and Utah maintaining their A marks from 2014. Florida was the most improved state, rising from a C to B+.

“Seventeen states improved their grades, an indication that they continue to make smart technology investments and are successfully leveraging those investments to maintain and even improve services and efficiencies across all aspects of government,” said Todd Sander, executive director of the Center for Digital Government. 

The survey evaluated states based on a set of criteria which included actions supporting State priorities and policies to improve operations or services, hard and soft-dollar savings/benefits, progress since the last survey, innovative solutions, and effective collaboration. Those states which received high marks demonstrated results across all criteria. 

The Center thanks Accela, Deloitte, Dell EMC, NIC, Nutanix, SHI, Symantec, Veritas and Verizon for underwriting the survey and for their support of states nationwide.

To see the Digital States Survey 2016 story and the "State's Path to Digital" survey infographic go to


2016 Digital States Survey Grades

A Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Utah and Virginia

A- Georgia, Indiana, North Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin

B+ California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia

B Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Oregon, and Texas

B- Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Vermont

C+ Alabama, Louisiana, Nevada, and New Jersey

C Alaska, Rhode Island and Wyoming

C- Kansas


2016 Digital States Survey Category Awards

In addition, several states earned the Digital States Category Awards, given in the following areas:


Adaptive Leadership: How well the states technology investment strategies match the top policy priorities of the governor, legislature and public
1st – Wisconsin
2nd – Utah
3rd – Virginia
4th – Ohio
5th – Missouri
Citizen Engagement
1st – Utah
2nd – Missouri
3rd – Indiana
4th – Michigan
5th – North Carolina
Enterprise ICT
1st – Georgia
2nd – Indiana
3rd – Virginia
4th – Wisconsin
5th - Michigan
Finance and Administration
1st – Indiana
2nd – Wisconsin
3rd – Michigan
4th – Missouri
5th – Virginia
Health and Human Services
1st – Virginia
2nd – Michigan
3rd – Indiana
4th – Missouri
5th - Utah
Public Safety
1st – Missouri
2nd – Maine
3rd – Utah
4th – Michigan
5th – New Jersey
1st - Utah
2nd – Ohio
3rd – Michigan
4th – Washington
5th – Pennsylvania
Most Improved


Digital States Survey Grades Criteria:

These states are trending sharply up.  They show results across all survey categories.  Modernization is used to realize operational efficiencies and strategic priorities.  There is evidence of meaningful collaboration, and performance measures and metrics are widely adopted.


These states are trending up. They show results in many survey categories, and their leaders use modernization to change entrenched practices to prepare for more sustainable operations. Incentives for collaboration are in place, and performance measures are used in key areas.


These states are trending stable. They show results in some survey categories. Modernization is used to realize operational efficiencies.  This grade level includes states that have launched reforms but where results have not been fully harvested.   Organizational constraints limit collaboration, and performance measures are uneven.  


These states are trending down. They show results in at least one survey category, but modernization tends to be siloed and limited.   There is little evidence of collaboration.  They have implemented few performance measures, and budget cuts threaten operational viability.


These states are trending sharply down. They show negligible results, and aging systems are destabilizing operations and increasing costs.  There are no performance measures in place and evidence of collaboration is non-existent. Budget cuts are cited for stopping any progress.


About the Center for Digital Government

The Center for Digital Government is a national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government. 

The Center is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government and education.


For questions, please contact Janet Grenslitt, Director of Surveys and Awards, at

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