The new site, which launches Thursday, can be found at
According to the release, the modernization of the county's website was a vision of the Davidson County Board of Commissioners.
"We are excited to offer our citizens a more professional website utilizing better technology to enhance civic engagement and provide a mobile website for easier accessibility and use," said Joel Hartley, the county's chief information officer.
The new site features intuitive navigation and quickly directs visitors to relevant information. County departments are listed in the "Government" navigation menu, commonly used services by residents and businesses are located under each respective navigation menu and the most commonly asked questions and sought-after information are located under the "How Do I" menu.
Some of the enhanced functionality includes:
- A "Notify Me" notification system where users can sign up for a number of updates include meetings, events, news flashes, bid postings, alerts and more.
- Access to board meeting videos — live and archived.
- Citizen requests about litter
- Open Financial Dashboard
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