Every two years, the Center for Digital Government* and Government Technology conduct a comprehensive survey of the maturity of tech initiatives in all 50 states. Click through the slideshow for some top-line takeaways from this year’s survey, revealing where states are on their journey to digital government. Click here for the full story and analysis on each state’s tech initiatives, and here for the full infographic.
*The Center for Digital Government is part of e.Republic, Government Technology's parent company.

There were five states at the top of the heap this year, earning A grades:
- Georgia
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Utah

Cybersecurity stands consistently as the No. 1 priority of state IT leaders.

When it comes to cyber, here's what states rank as their most important initiatives:
- Security incident response
- Enterprise security operations center/ransomware prevention and response
- Cloud security
- Cyberinsurance (50 percent of states report having a policy)
- Secure application development

States are increasingly making information available to citizens via voice-activated platforms. Fifteen percent of states also report that they have developed augmented reality applications.

States report having at least one full-time position in:
- Cybersecurity (100 percent)
- Data analytics/business intelligence (68 percent)
- Open data (68 percent)
- Performance metrics (62 percent)
- Privacy (57 percent)
- Innovation (53 percent)