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GovTech Innovators: Ben Berkowitz of SeeClickFix

Berkowitz’s company, SeeClickFix, makes 311 reporting collaborative and hassle-free.

Ben Berkowitz is the CEO of SeeClickFix, a Web tool that saves local governments a lot of time. Taxpayers go online to write and send reports about non-emergency issues like potholes, graffiti or other incidents, which means they don’t need to call their local 311 lines for the same purpose. The application has national 311 potential, possibly sparing government operators from tearing their hair out due to large call volumes.

We interviewed Berkowitz this week as one of our GovTech Innovators, asking him to explain how his big idea led to creating a company that’s leveraged technology to solve government problems. 

Berkowitz shared his experiences and teased some changes to SeeClickFix that are coming soon! 


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