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GovTech Innovators: Kevin Jackson, Federal Cloud Computing Expert

Using his cloud computing expertise, Jackson has co-authored books in the GovCloud series, which train and educate public and private users on cloud adoption.

Our latest GovTech Innovator is Kevin Jackson, general manager of cloud services at NJVC, a defense contractor for the federal government.

Kevin’s company provides hosted solutions to public agencies for business processes and data center operations, and he’s leveraged his cloud computing expertise to co-author books in the GovCloud series, which train and educate public and private users on cloud adoption.  

His latest book, GovCloud II: Implementation and Cloud Brokerage Services, which he co-wrote with Don Philpott, contains training material and keeps readers up-to-date on how cloud computing is trending in the federal government.    

In his discussion with Government Technology, Jackson mentioned how cloud computing affected President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, among other examples.

Check out what he had to say below:

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