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How Will Technology Change Our Lives?

To coincide with the opening of Microsoft's Envisioning Center, the company released a video that envisions the world in five to 10 years.

On March 1, software company Microsoft opened its re-imagined Envisioning Center on its Redmond campus in Washington state.

And to accompany this opening, the company also released a video that shares a vision of the future – in just five to 10 years -- with technology we currently use.

In the future that Microsoft envisions, the digital and the physical come together, according to the video -- everything is voice- and touch-activated, and technology with which we're already familiar, such as tablets, are translated onto a larger scale, reports

"I like to think of it as a concept car that allows us to share what it might be like to experience future technologies with visitors, get their feedback, tweak, remix and discuss," wrote Microsoft Editor Steve Clayton in a blog post. "It’s all part of advancing the trends we think have the greatest potential."

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