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New York Launches Open Data Portal launched the same day Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a new open data executive order.

On Monday, March 11, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo launched a new open data website -- -- in an effort to open up data across the federal, state and local levels of government. 

The new portal contains data focusing on economic development, health, recreation and public services to name a few, according to the New York state Executive Chamber.

“This new website will dramatically increase public access to one of our most valuable assets – data,” Cuomo said in a statement. “As it expands and evolves over time, will spark innovation, improve efficiency, promote accountability, and bring the people back into government.”

The launch of the new open data website came on the same day a new executive order was issued by Cuomo mandating that state agencies review and catalog data collected and, from there, take the proper steps to make public data accessible on the new portal. The data posted to the portal must be done so in accordance with guidelines to be developed by the state Office of Information Technology Services (ITS).

Under the new executive order, the ITS will consult with New York agencies and receive input as the guidelines are finalized. Currently more than 30 state agencies and authorities have already begun to open up their data for the website.

Photo of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo courtesy of lev radin /

Sarah Rich is a former staff writer for Government Technology.
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