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A Politician’s Guide to Social Media (VIDEO)

Social media consultant Kristy Fifelski’s tips for what elected officials and political candidates should and shouldn’t do online.

Social media consultant Kristy Fifelski of DigitalGov Group is back with some sound advice for those seeking public office and incumbent elected officals. Fifelski, the former Web manager of Reno, Nev., who goes by the online handle of GovGirl, draws upon faux pas and lessons that everyone can learn from. Anyone remember former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner?

In this video Fifelski gives politicians five rules to live by for successful social media. They’re likely useful guidelines for government employees too.

1. Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want to see in tomorrow’s paper.
2. Know your agency’s social media policy.
3. Talk like a real person.
4. Abide by campaign and open meeting laws.
5. Never cross the streams!


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