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Tech on NYC Agenda

For Select Committee on Technology in Government

The New York City Select Committee on Technology in Government, Chaired by Council Member Gale Brewer (D-Manhattan), today announced a series of upcoming committee events and proceedings.

"The Select Committee on Technology in Government is moving forward with its agenda to expand digital opportunity, open up government, coordinate and streamline New York City services, reduce waste and fraud in government and maintain public safety," said Brewer. "Our Fall 2003 hearing and event schedule reflects this very important agenda."

The events are:
  • Roundtable: "Expanding Digital Opportunity in New York City Public Schools." Tuesday, October 21 @ 10 a.m., 16th Floor Hearing Room, 250 Broadway.
  • Opening Remarks, Council Member Gale Brewer - Government Technology magazine conference; Friday, October 24 @ 9 a.m., Brooklyn Marriott, 333 Adams Street.
  • Hearing: "Shared Geography: How New York City Can Leverage Investments in Geographic Information Systems." Friday, November 14 @ 10 a.m., 14th Floor Hearing Room, 250 Broadway.
  • Joint Hearing with Fire and Public Safety Committees: "The Effect of the Blackout on the City's Emergency Services: Priority Cell Phone Access for Emergency First Responders and Communications Solutions During Emergencies" Thursday, November 20 @ 10 a.m., Committee Room, City Hall.
  • Hearing: "Working Together Through Technology: The Non-Profit Sector, 311 and Integrated Human Services." Tuesday, December 9 @ 10 a.m., 14th Floor Hearing Room, 250 Broadway.
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