Why Brock? Well, there is the Alabama connection and the United States Attorney General was a U.S. Senator from that state. I don't know of any other direct political connection to the Trump Regime.
His LinkedIn profile lists these jobs before working for Hagerty:
Director, Alabama Emergency Management Agency
Dates Employed Jan 2008 – Jan 2011 Employment Duration 3 yrs 1 mo
Beck Disaster Recovery Inc
Dates Employed Feb 2007 – Feb 2008 Employment Duration 1 yr 1 mo
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Hurricane Program Manager
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Dates Employed Nov 2001 – Jan 2006 Employment Duration 4 yrs 3 mos
Georgia Emergency Management Agency
Statewide Planner/School Safety Coordinator
Georgia Emergency Management Agency
Dates Employed Sep 1999 – Nov 2001 Employment Duration 2 yrs 3 mos
The good news from the above is that he brings state emergency management leadership experience and he must have lived through Katrina as the Hurricane Program Manager at FEMA. He knows what bad looks and feels like.
Not knowing him as a person myself, at least the resume is one that is better than some political hack who can't spell FEMA and he has "walked in our shoes" as an emergency manager.
I have to say, being the FEMA administrator and telling the truth about a situation might be "very interesting" in the future should things go poorly during a disaster response involving FEMA. He should get used to using the words: fantastic; tremendous; wonderful; super; sad; failing; wrong; and, it's a disaster!
3/28/17 Update: Several more sources have confirmed that his name is under consideration.