The only argument missing in the article above is how it may impact historical structures that may be devalued or torn down because of safety concerns.
I believe in providing as much information as possible to average citizens so they can make their own decisions. If they like cheap rents and unsafe buildings, they can make that choice. But they should know they are making the choice in the first place. I'm a strong believer in posting buildings and identifying which ones are unreinforced masonry buildings (URM). I am sorry if makes someone feel bad.
Last week, I posted the Portland Emergency Management Director's position on this blog. As noted in the article above, whoever is successful in winning that position will be drawn into the debate about URM. There are those who don't want to be put in a "political position," but guess what — that is where policy is made!
If you can't take the heat, don't turn on the oven, and stay out of the kitchen.
Claire Rubin, Senior Researcher, shared the Portland link above.