A number of these programs were highlighted Thursday during a grant-writing workshop hosted by U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell at the Houston H. Harte Center on the campus of Stillman College.
"Everywhere I go, people are always talking about how technology is bridging the gap and offering opportunities for folks," said Sewell, D-Birmingham. "I know that in the rural parts of my district, reliable high-speed internet is a problem and we want to help ... by at least addressing where the state and federal governments have resources that will help communities bridge that gap so we're all connected."
The U.S Department of Agriculture and the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs both offer grants and loans that can assist municipalities, businesses, nonprofit organizations and other entities to enhance internet connectivity speeds for their respective audiences.
Andrew Hayes, field agent representative for the USDA's Telecommunications Program, outlined a number of federal aid programs that can help bridge the digital divide in rural and sparsely populated areas.
These included the Telecommunications Infrastructure Program, which granted 35 loans totaling almost $622 million in fiscal years 2016 and 2017.
With another $287.7 million either approved or in the process for fiscal 2018 and another 22 loans pending for almost $290 million, this program goes toward new telecommunications systems — or the enhancement of existing systems — in towns and cities with typically 5,000 residents or fewer.
Another federal program is the Telecommunications Farm Bill Broadband Program, which awarded one loan for $4.1 million in fiscal 2016 and 2 loans for $24 million in fiscal 2017.
For fiscal 2018, $29.9 million is available for the program that, so far, has awarded one loan for $19.9 million, Hayes said.
More restrictions apply for this program, such as requirements on the number of currently unserved households must be included, but the loans can range from $100,000 to $25 million.
"For all of our loans and grants, we'll give money to just about anybody but individuals and partnerships," Hayes said.
Maureen Neighbors, ADECA's Energy Division Chief, outlined a new program funded by the Alabama Legislature for fiscal 2019.
While the deadline to apply for the Broadband Accessibility Fund is Oct. 24, Neighbors said she anticipates additional funding will be available in future fiscal years in order to reach more communities.
It's currently limited to cities and towns with 25,000 residents or fewer and can be paired with similar federal aid in certain circumstances.
At least $7.4 million is available for fiscal 2019, which began Oct. 1, Neighbors said ADECA is hoping to be able to disperse it all.
But with the speed at which the program came together and earliness of the deadline, some changes may be needed in future years to include all communities that apply, she said.
"This has been somewhat of a fluid process," Neighbors said. "We're finding a number of areas that we've missed."
Regardless of whatever loan or grant programs is pursued, Sewell urged those within her congressional district to reach out to her office for support.
Sewell said she and her staff are willing to sign letters of support or offer other levels of assistance to ensure that any requested loan and grant is secured.
"When you're applying for grant opportunities, your congresswoman wants to be your partner," Sewell said. "We are your partner in trying to secure the resources our communities need to succeed."
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