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Federal Dashboard Tracks IT Spending revamped to track more than $70 billion in federal government IT spending, providing increased transparency for taxpayers.

On Tuesday federal CIO Vivek Kundra announced the launch of a revamped, a Web site designed to track federal government IT spending. The site is driven by data that federal agencies must submit to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

The Web site allows users to view details of federal IT investments by agency or investment. According to an imbedded video on the site, each graph or visualization contains a link that allows users to share or embed the chart in their own Web site. This gives users direct access to the underlying data. reports the overall performance of an investment based on its cost and schedule performance and an evaluation by the agency's CIO. Those factors are computed into an overall score. Other information for each investment includes who is responsible for its performance and links to more information.

Agency CIOs can be granted access to update an investment's milestone performance and submit project evaluations.

The Web site was originally launched Dec. 13, 2007, following legislation sponsored by then-Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., requiring the federal government to create an online database that tracked federal budget spending by Jan. 1, 2008, according to The Washington Post.

State Transparency

The federal government isn't the only entity trying to provide taxpayers with a look at where their money is being spent. California announced plans to unveil a digital dashboard that will allow its major technology projects to be tracked. Adrian Farley, chief deputy director for policy and program management at California's Office of the Chief Information Officer, told Government Technology earlier this month that the dashboard will display progress information across more than 15 categories using red, yellow and green graphics.

For more information about the federal dashboard, read The Washington Post's article.

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