Pending state Senate confirmation, Collins will continue to serve as the CIO for the Delaware Department of Technology and Information, which controls and implements technology services to state agencies while advising the governor on technology issues.
Collins was appointed to serve as CIO by Gov. Jack Markell, succeeding Jim Sills in October 2014. During his tenure, Collins has worked to expand broadband services across rural regions of the state, helped strengthen cybersecurity by founding the Delaware Cyber Security Advisory Council and bolstered the state’s open data transparency efforts.
The state is investing in transparency and efficiency through its open data portal that will now benefit from an Open Data Council that was established January 2016. The group strives to recommend data standards and policies, data strategy, and data sharing opportunities for state agencies.
In the same announcement, Carney also named Richard Geisenberger to serve as secretary of the Delaware Department of Finance and the state’s chief financial officer.