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9 Cybersecurity Threat Predictions for 2012

Security vendor Imperva predicts what to look out for next year.

A Dec. 6 press release by IT security firm Imperva highlighted nine cybersecurity issues the company expects IT shops will have to contend with in 2012. They are:

9.     Attacks against SSL vulnerabilities will reach a tipping point, prompting IT professionals to discuss alternatives to securing Web communication.

8.     Hackers focusing on browser vulnerabilities instead of vulnerabilities in browser add-ons.

7.     More sophisticated distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

6.     More exploits targeting external deployments of internal collaboration suites like Microsoft SharePoint.

5.     Widespread adoption of NoSQL database management systems that have inadequate security mechanisms.

4.     IT professionals erroneously spending resources on controlling corporate data flow at endpoints instead of at the source.

3.     Businesses continuing to adopt social media, which will negatively affect the integrity of enterprise data.

2.     The rise of “cyberbrokers” who match buyers of stolen data with providers of the stolen data.

1.     Companies making cyber security decisions because of their own needs instead of to meet compliance parameters.

Imperva Chief Technology Officer Amichai Shulman said in a press release that being forewarned is being forearmed in the fight against cyber crime. “Hacking, by nature, is a discipline that relies on innovation,” he said. “Knowing future, potential threats helps security teams fight against the bad guys.”

Imperva also released a white paper detailing the trends for 2012.


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