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What prominent federal official recently had his AOL account hacked?

Answer: CIA Director John Brennan

If one high schooler's accounts are true, CIA Director John Brennan recently had his America Online account hacked, exposing sensitive files including his own 47-page application for top-secret security clearance. Reports indicate that other files exposed included Social Security numbers and other private information of more than a dozen American intelligence officials, along with a government letter referencing the use of "harsh interrogation techniques" on terrorism suspects.

The hacker, a member of hacking group CWA, or "Crackas With Attitude," is now being investigated by the FBI and other agencies, The New York Post reported. According to the hacker, he gained access to the account through social engineering. He tricked Verizon employees into supplying some of Brennan's personal information and then used the information to reset the official's AOL password.

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