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Which city just launched a driverless shuttle on public streets?

Answer: Las Vegas

Cruising through the Las Vegas streets at a breakneck 12 mph, is a new driverless, electric shuttle.

The vehicle, which will operate on public roads alongside real drivers, will use radar to detect and avoid obstacles in the road, as well as GPS technology to navigate. The program is kicking off its testing phase for two weeks, but city officials hope it can go live permanently as early as this summer.

The shuttle is built by Navya, a Paris-based company that specializes in electric, autonomous systems.

“Las Vegas has always been on the cutting edge of technology for our citizens and our visitors,” Jorge Cervantes, Las Vegas executive director of community development, told the Las Vegas Sun. “We have 40 million visitors a year here, and traffic on the Strip and downtown gets very congested. The ability to move people more efficiently is something we’ve been looking at for a while.”

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