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LinkedIn, Cleveland Partner to Recruit and Retain Health IT Employees

The social network will work with BioEnterprise, the city of Cleveland, Cleveland State University and Cuyahoga County to provide data, analysis and market research about software developers, data scientists and other computer science positions

(TNS) - CLEVELAND, Ohio - LinkedIn will work with Northeast Ohio agencies and Cleveland State University to help recruit and retain health information technology employees.

The employment social network will work with BioEnterprise, the city of Cleveland, Cleveland State University and Cuyahoga County to provide data, analysis and market research about software developers, data scientists and other computer science positions

Supported by the Cleveland Foundation, the analysis is expected to lead to strategies to find qualified local talent, according to a statement about the initiative.

"One of the critical limiting factors to growth in Northeast Ohio's bioscience industry today is the availability of health IT talent," Aram Nerpouni, BioEnterprisepresident and CEO, said in a statement. "Thriving health IT companies are hindered by the dearth of software developers and data scientists. The LinkedIn project should provide meaningful data and analysis to inform how we address this challenge."

With the support of the Cleveland Foundation, BioEnterprise launchedHIT in the CLE in 2015 to address the lack of available talent in computer and data science. The project is an important tactic within the larger HIT in the CLE talent strategy, the partners said.

LinkedIn will provide Cleveland with information of the skills local employers need, the skills its workers have and the disconnect between the two.

"The city can use those insights to create a stronger IT talent pipeline, and grow its IT industry," said LinkedIn U.S. Head of Policy Nicole Isaac in a statement.

Data provided by BioEnterprise and LinkedIn will be analyzed this summer and a report is expected this fall.

©2017 Advance Ohio Media, Cleveland. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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