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New Voter Registration App for Indiana Residents

The IndianaVoters App enables users to register to vote or confirm their voter registration, find their polling place, look up candidates on their ballot, track their absentee ballot and contact local elected officials.

A voter registration application for mobile devices is one of two new programs from Secretary of State Connie Lawson aimed at encouraging Hoosiers to register to vote before the Oct. 6 deadline, and to cast a ballot on Election Day, Nov. 4.

The IndianaVoters App enables users to register to vote or confirm their voter registration, find their polling place, look up candidates on their ballot, track their absentee ballot and contact local elected officials.

"It is a full service application designed to make voting easy for Hoosiers by making election information accessible from anywhere," said Lawson, the state's chief elections officer.

The free app is available for Apple and Android devices by searching "Indiana voters" in the app store.

Similar services are available on the Internet at

Lawson also is inviting Hoosiers to share stories about military veterans and civic participation as part of her new Vote in Honor of a Veteran program.

Stories by Hoosiers about a veteran or an active-duty service member can be submitted online at Stories and pictures submitted by others also can be read on that website.

Participants will receive a letter from Lawson acknowledging their contribution and a sticker to wear on Election Day that honors their service member.

"Without the sacrifice and dedication of our nation's veterans and active-duty military, Hoosiers would not be able to exercise their freedom to vote for the candidates of their choice," Lawson said. "I believe we have a duty to honor those who have fought for our freedom and this is one small but important way we can do that."

©2014 The Times (Munster, Ind.)

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