Smarsh, which provides communications archiving and other services for government agencies, completed its merger with Actiance, a communications compliance provider. The two will now operate under the Smarsh name.
One of the key services Smarsh brings forward is its system to store, archive and search communication exchanges across a range of modes — email, texts, social media posts and the like. The ability to easily access and search communication exchanges among public officials is an essential role of government agencies, as they comply with open-records requirements and requests by the public.
Smarsh also announced the launch of its new “Connected Suite” product, which allows agencies to archive and oversee the growing number of communications avenues.
“Large enterprises have reached a tipping point with legacy archiving technologies. With our modern and extensible technology stack that can scale with today’s data volumes, we are uniquely positioned to help customers accelerate their road maps to cloud adoption and migrate data from legacy systems quickly and easily,” Smarsh CEO Brian Cramer said in a statement.
Smarsh serves more than 6,500 customers around the world, with more than 600 employees. It is headquartered in Portland, Ore., with nine offices worldwide in locations like Silicon Valley, New York, India, London and Bangalore.