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Digital Evidence Management: Another Way AI Can Help

Veritone on Tuesday launched a digital evidence management system that uses artificial intelligence for object recognition, redaction and other tasks. It comes in a time of big projected growth for evidence management tech.

A new product from California-based Veritone offers law enforcement a way to manage digital evidence with artificial intelligence.

The company on Tuesday launched an Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System (iDEMS) that uses artificial intelligence to automate digital workflows and speed up investigations.

The tool is built on the company’s aiWARE platform and hosted by Amazon Web Services, which continues to gain ground in government technology, including via a recent deal with Tyler Technologies. iDEMS includes functions related to such tasks as redaction, tracking, evidence discovery and analysis.

It also offers workflow integrations with other tech providers such as Granicus; Opexus, on Freedom of Information work; Milestone and Qognify, in video management; and Exterro and Nuix, in investigations and forensics.

The system offers public safety and judicial agencies a “centralized repository with AI-enabled software applications” to address the challenges they face from a growing volume of digital evidence, Jon Gacek, general manager for Veritone Public Sector, said in a statement, adding: “With iDEMS, agencies can ingest all digital evidence data, including audio, video and documents, from their existing systems, organize it and share it securely inside and outside their organization.”

The debut comes amid significant projected growth for digital evidence management systems. In its news release, Veritone cites research from Gartner that estimates the global market for such technology will top $12 billion in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of at least 10 percent.

iDEMS’ arrival also happens as more public safety agencies — and the gov tech providers that serve them — increase their focus on artificial intelligence. AI was among the factors driving a recent $150 million funding round for RapidSOS, which focused on emergency dispatch, and it has provided fuel for other big gov tech deals this month.

In this particular Veritone product, AI can help law enforcement catalog and tag the unstructured data that resides in audio, video and PDF files. Its AI can also help with transcription, along with object, facial and other forms of detection that can prove vital to solving cases, the company said.

“The public sector increasingly considers AI a necessary and mission-critical tool, especially as agencies face the exponential risk of increased unstructured data, coupled with the challenges of constantly fluctuating or shrinking budgets,” CEO and President Ryan Steelberg, said in a statement.
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