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Government Hiring Must Adapt to Attract Talent — ICYMI

In this week’s episode of “In Case You Missed It,” we take a look at how state and local governments are faring in comparison to private organizations in a new highly competitive labor market.

The labor market is shifting dramatically, and hiring managers are feeling the quake — especially those managers working in government.

Depending on one’s level of optimism, you may call it the “Great Resignation,” the “Great Reshuffle,” the “Great Renegotiation” or the “Great Upgrade.”

Complicating matters for employers is the fastest rise in consumer prices in a generation and the lowest consumer sentiment since 2011.

It’s forcing public- and private-sector employers into a game of one-upmanship to compete for talent.

The “In Case You Missed It” crew dives into a recent study by Pew Research that found pay increases for state and local government workers haven’t kept pace with pay increases to private-sector workers recently.

We also dive into whether California is in danger of losing its dominant grip on the tech market and react to the news about the Internal Revenue Service abandoning its plan to require users of its online services to undergo facial recognition.


For more insight into cybersecurity, IT and the ever-changing digital landscape, register for the 2022 Beyond the Beltway* virtual event. The annual briefing brings together top analysts and government leaders to share their insights into state and local technology markets.


“In Case You Missed It” returns Feb. 11. Stay tuned for more details!

“In Case You Missed It” is Government Technology’s weekly news roundup and interview live show featuring e.Republic* Chief Innovation Officer Dustin Haisler, Deputy Chief Innovation Officer Joe Morris and GovTech Assistant News Editor Jed Pressgrove as they bring their analysis and insight to the week’s most important stories in state and local government.

Follow along live each Friday at 12 p.m. PST on LinkedIn and YouTube.

*The Center for Digital Government, which presents Beyond the Beltway, is part of e.Republic, Government Technology’s parent company.
Dustin Haisler is the president of Government Technology's parent company e.Republic. Previously the finance director and later CIO for Manor, Texas, a small city outside Austin, Haisler quickly built a track record and reputation as an early innovator in civic tech. As President, Haisler drives exponential growth, implements new ideas and promotes a corporate culture that rewards creativity. Read his full bio.
Jed Pressgrove has been a writer and editor for about 15 years. He received a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in sociology from Mississippi State University.
Joseph Morris is the chief innovation officer of <i>Government Technology</i>’s parent company e.Republic and a national keynote speaker on issues, trends and drivers impacting state and local government and education. He has authored publications and reports on funding streams, technology investment areas and public-sector priorities, and has led roundtables, projects and initiatives focused on issues within the public sector. Joe has conducted state and local government research with e.Republic since 2007 and knows the ins and outs of government on all levels. He received his Bachelor of Arts in government and international relations from the California State University, Sacramento.