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Veritone Adds a New AI Chatbot to Evidence Management

The new product could help police find evidence and access records more quickly, the company says. Veritone recently launched another AI-backed tool for digital evidence management as more agencies embrace artificial intelligence.

An illuminated red and blue light bar on top of a law enforcement vehicle at night.
“Hey, Veri, show me the gun.”

As public agencies embrace artificial intelligence, police also are gaining new tools powered by one of the hottest trends in government technology.

The latest example of that comes from California-based AI company Veritone. It has released its Ask Veri product, which the company describes in a statement as a “new conversational intelligence solution.”

Users of Veritone’s Digital Media Hub can direct Ask Veri to find “actionable insights and execute dynamic workflows from their media archive data” via this generative AI- and chat-based offering, which is integrated into Veritone’s aiWARE platform.

Veritone will “soon” release Ask Veri to public-sector clients, a company spokesperson told Government Technology via email. Among the main anticipated uses for those customers is digital evidence management for law enforcement.

“So, with that, an investigator can Ask Veri to create a list of all the moments when a gun appeared in a video, or provide me a summary report of an interview room jail house call, or create a timeline of when a particular officer engaged with the suspect,” the spokesperson, Andrew Ellison, said.

The move reflects one of the main sales pitches for AI during these early days of what amounts to a gold rush for the technology: the ability to find nuggets of useful data amid mountains of information, and do so quickly, which is especially appealing to public safety agencies.

“With content production and consumption at an all-time high, media professionals face the overwhelming challenge of organizing and activating an abundance of data,” said Sean King, general manager for Veritone Media and Entertainment, in the statement. “Ask Veri leverages Veritone’s industry experience and extensive knowledge base to provide both open-ended and template query prompts for DMH customers.”

Veritone also plans to sell this new product to TV networks, studios, production companies and film and studio archives. But its upcoming use for law enforcement follows other tech advances in digital evidence management, with one of the latest moves also coming from Veritone.

Earlier in March, the company launched an Intelligent Digital Evidence Management System (iDEMS) that uses artificial intelligence to automate digital workflows and speed up investigations. The product can redact and track information and help with such jobs as evidence discovery and analysis.