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Book Review: Present Future — Business, Science and the Deep Tech Revolution

Guy Perelmuter offers an insightful, easy to read, helpful guide to present and future technology in business areas ranging from the future of jobs to AI and from cryptocurrencies to quantum computing.    

Where are we at with new technology in global businesses? What radical changes are happening all around us? Where are we heading next with tech, and what will take us there over the next decade?

While the attention of the world, and indeed most of the content offered in this blog, focuses on hot cyber topics like ransomware, data breaches, critical infrastructure protection and short- and medium-term security solutions, so much more is happening today that is radically changing the way businesses will run in the long term.

Present Future: Business, Science, and the Deep Tech Revolution is an excellent book that covers myriad topics, and begins with some terrific historical context. Chapter topics include:
present future book cover.jpg
  • The world powered by technology
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • The future of jobs
  • Artificial intelligence
  • The Internet of Things and smart cities
  • Biotechnology
  • 3D printing
  • Virtual reality and video games
  • Education
  • Social networks
  • Fintech and cryptocurrencies
  • Encryption and blockchain
  • Robotics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Airplanes, rockets and satellites
  • Energy
  • New materials
  • Big data
  • Cybersecurity and quantum computing
  • Past future

On the last topic alone, I found several insightful thoughts surrounding the complexity of our current technology systems and infrastructure, and how that may impact our future. For example, on page 275: “In the past two decades, this complexity has expanded in all segments, including our homes — the household Internet structure has routers, Wi-Fi, access points and modems. … We are victims of the complexity that is needed to make the use of these technologies as simple as possible.”

While many books have been and will be written on these diverse topics, Perelmuter has offered amazing summaries in an easy-to-read format that is not too long (total of 281 pages before acknowledgments, index and bibliography).


According to Guy Perelmuter is the founder of GRIDS Capital, a deep tech venture capital firm focusing on artificial intelligence, robotics, life sciences and technological infrastructure. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering in 1994 and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1996, both from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. He specialized in computer vision techniques using artificial intelligence. In 1997, he was one of the winners of the Brazil Young Scientist Award for the implementation of his solution for the production of texts in Braille using dot matrix printers, and he later went on to develop risk analysis systems for financial markets. His book Present Future was recognized by the Brazilian Book Chamber as the Best Science Book of 2020 in the 62nd edition of the annual Jabuti Award. Guy enjoys playing the piano, shooting hoops, watching science fiction and reading (a lot). He currently lives in Brazil with his wife and their son and daughter.


I find these reviews to be accurate and helpful:

Unknown author: “This book does an amazing job of taking very complex topics and explaining them in an easily digestible way. It tackles a wide range of deep tech focus areas, from robotics to crypto to materials — giving a thorough overview of what’s happening in each field without getting too deep in the weeds. I live and breathe deep tech for a living, and yet I still learned quite a bit about some of the technologies that I spend less time thinking about. And the way the historical context is woven throughout the book made this a really entertaining and quick read. I’ve already passed it along to family members, and they’ve enjoyed it as a window into my world.”

Alain Harrus: “This book is remarkable for a few different attributes. It is very accessible in articulating the impact of advanced technologies, across many fields (17 different topical chapters) without oversimplification, adding a historical context as well, which helps draw the impact trajectory for these technologies. Each chapter can be read standalone. There are a few chapters where I have a deep experiential knowledge, and those chapters/subjects are quite accurate and very neatly linked a few things I hadn't connected before. Guy has an authoritative position at the juncture of technology expertise and investment in deep tech. From this unique vantage point, his writing allows readers to understand the past and imagine a future filled with exciting possibilities. A new world reimagined. The book is rigorously researched and will provide a valuable resource to entrepreneurs, investors and anyone interested in how the world will change in the years ahead. Finally, I have to comment on the very elegant and innovative design of the table of content. Very well done. I highly recommend this book.”


This is an outstanding book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading while at the beach on vacation. I found it to be an easy read, without much technical jargon. It also provides a great resource as a “go-to” guide on a wide range of technology topics.

I highly recommend this book, and give it 5 stars for the coverage of many somewhat intimidating topics. Very well done. A must-read.
Daniel J. Lohrmann is an internationally recognized cybersecurity leader, technologist, keynote speaker and author.
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