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Most Popular Cybersecurity Blog Posts from 2021

What were the top government security blog posts in 2021? These metrics tell us what cybersecurity and technology infrastructure topics were most popular in the past year.

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As we described in the year-end cyber review back in December, 2021 was the most disruptive year so far when it came to cyber attacks, with ransomwareimpacting businesses and governments — including critical infrastructure — as never before.

And this disruptive global trend will continue if the top cyber industry predictions for 2022 are even partially correct.

So, what were the most popular Lohrmann on Cybersecurity blogs in the past year? In case you missed one or more, please read and share these. We crunch the numbers every January and offer you the opportunity to go back and focus on the details within topics that others are reading and spending their time on, or that have special significance. For comparison purposes, here are the blog metrics for 2020.


Top blogs originally posted in 2021, ranked by reader page views:
  1. The Top 21 Security Predictions for 2021— My roundup of cyber industry predictions always gets the most attention — usually by more than a 2 to 1 margin.
  2. Cyber Attacks: Is the ‘Big One’ Coming Soon? — “In the past 90 days, the world has witnessed a serious escalation in cyberattacks. Some experts are still predicting that the worst is yet to come. Are we prepared?”
  3. What May Be Ahead for Biden’s Infrastructure Plan? — “Following the passage of his stimulus plan in the U.S. Senate last week, President Biden is next expected to unveil how he will improve America’s infrastructure, including transit, innovation and energy.”
  4. Vaccine Passports: Who, What, When, Where and How? — “The whole world is talking about COVID-19 vaccines, and the travel and hospitality industries are abuzz over potential vaccine passports. But people, process and technology questions abound.”
  5. 2020 Data Breaches Point to Cybersecurity Trends for 2021 — “As the COVID-19 pandemic grabbed 2020 headlines, the list of data breaches in government and the private sector quietly grew. And then came SolarWinds. What’s next?”
  6. Data Breach Numbers, Costs and Impacts All Rise in 2021 — "By almost any measure, the breadth, depth and impact of data breaches have dramatically increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s a roundup of the numbers.”
  7. Unemployment Benefits Claims Fraud: New Threats for 2021 — “After an unprecedented level of unemployment insurance fraud hit states in 2020, new details are emerging on the severity of the ongoing threat in 2021.”
  8. Why Do Chief Security Officers Leave Jobs So Often? — “In both public and private organizations, chief information security officers have shorter tenures than CIOs. Why do cybersecurity heads so quickly leave jobs — or get forced out?”
  9. SIM Swapping Is a Growing Cyber Threat — Here’s Help — “From cryptocurrency thefts to hacking bank accounts, SIM swapping is a growing threat online. Here are relevant definitions, real-world examples and tips to help stop cyber criminals.”
  10. Biden Sets Cyber Standards for Critical Infrastructure — “A new presidential directive announced that performance standards will be released for critical infrastructure operated by the public sector and private companies to bolster national cybersecurity.”

You may be wondering about older blogs. No doubt, many of my posts over the past decade still get huge attention many years later. Here are two examples:

This blog from December 2020 got over 30,000 page views in 2021, describing 2020 as “The Year the COVID-19 Crisis Brought a Cyber Pandemic.”

Also, this blog on implanted chips from November 2018 got almost 25,000 page views in 2021 alone — several years after being published.


And yes, the 2022 security industry predictions are already getting plenty of new attention. Almost 8,000 people have already viewed that blog during the last week of 2021 and the first week of 2022.

I want to thank you, my readers, for your loyal following over the years. Many of you reach out to me on LinkedIn to suggest topics and ask for interviews or other content to be highlighted. I am certainly open to connecting and engaging on a range of cybersecurity and technology topics.

As we head deeper into 2022, I will leave you with this quote from C.S. Lewis: "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
Daniel J. Lohrmann is an internationally recognized cybersecurity leader, technologist, keynote speaker and author.