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Digital States Survey 2003

The annual survey, presented in eight categories throughout the year, has been the survey of merit with governors and has consistently garnered participation by nearly 100 percent of the nation's states.

Digital State Survey - Five-Year Overall Winners

The Sustained Leadership Award recognizes states that have made the most progress in digital government as measured in the first five years of the Digital State Survey from 1997 through 2002. The annual survey, presented in eight categories throughout the year, has been the survey of merit with governors and has consistently garnered participation by nearly 100 percent of the nation's states.

The Sustained Leadership award closes the first chapter of the prestigious national Digital State Survey.

Each year awards for the annual winner and winners of each category have been presented to the governors and state officials of winning states by the Center for Digital Government and The Progress & Freedom Foundation.

The eight categories are: Law Enforcement and the Courts, Social Services, Electronic Commerce and Business Regulation, Digital Democracy, Management and Administration, Taxation, Education and GIS and Transportation. For a description of the categories, the winners and more information for 2002, 2001 and 1999-2000, please click on the year in the upper right-hand corner.

The rankings listed below are based on the cumulative total scores in the survey for 1997-2002.The cumulative results of these states' efforts have demonstrated how digital government has evolved and transformed over the last five years. Some interesting findings include:

  • In reviewing the five-year performance on the Digital State Survey by population, medium-sized states have out-performed all others.
  • In 1997, only six states provided any sort of Internet access for minimally half its workers. In 2002, 75 percent of the states had substantial digital archive projects. Legislators in 31 capitols were provided broadband access and permitted to use personal computing devices on the floor of the legislature.
  • 60 percent of the states have integrated computer systems for criminal justice and law enforcement. 31 states rely on new technologies for calculating voting returns.
  • States of all sizes, geographies and populations have used the Internet in service to the citizen, to businesses within their borders, within government and among neighboring public entities.
  • In 1997, only nine states utilized a digital storage system for tax records and 13 had neither a scanning/imaging system nor plans to develop one. In 2002, more than half the states stored at least 60 percent of their tax records in an online environment; only four states reported having entirely paper-based processes.
  • Overall social services remained the category that has seen the greatest change in its average score with a total improvement of 121 percent from 1997 to 2002.
Congratulations to the states and their leaders who have displayed long-term commitment to digital government!

Digital State Survey Sustained Leadership Award 1997- 2002

  1. Washington
  2. Kansas
  3. Wisconsin
  4. Arizona
  5. Maryland
  6. Michigan
  7. Utah
  8. New Jersey
  9. Florida
  10. Pennsylvania
  11. Indiana
  12. Virginia
  13. Illinois
  14. Missouri
  15. South Dakota
  16. Nebraska
  17. Minnesota
  18. Georgia
  19. Maine
  20. Ohio
  21. Massachusetts
  22. Texas
  23. North Carolina
  24. New York
  25. Colorado

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