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Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards 2006

After thorough examination and analysis, The Center for Digital Government has determined the winners of the 2006 Best of Web and Digital Government Achievement Awards. Winners will be acknowledged at the 10th Anniversary Awards Gala in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 22, 2006.

Top State and Local Government Web Portals and Applications Awarded

After thorough examination and analysis, The Center for Digital Government has determined the winners of the 2006 Best of Web and Digital Government Achievement Awards. Winners will be acknowledged at the 10th Anniversary Awards Gala in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 22, 2006.

The Best of Web is an annual awards program that recognizes the most innovative, user-friendly state and local government portals. This national awards program judges state, city and county Web sites on their innovation, Web-delivery of public services, efficiency, economy, and functionality for improved citizen access.

The Digital Government Achievement Award is a national program that recognizes outstanding agency and department Web sites and applications that enhance information interactions, transactions and/or services. The categories include government-to-government, government-to-business, government-to-citizen, and government internal.

"Our 2006 awards showcase the best state and local government Web sites and on-line applications in the nation. These winners set the mark for delivering innovative, efficient and effective government services to all of their many constituencies," states Center Executive Vice President, Cathilea Robinett. "Congratulations to all winners in each category."


Congratulations to the Best of the Web Awards 2006 Winners:

State Portal Category:
1st Place Michigan
2nd Place: Maine
3rd Place: Utah
4th Place: Virginia
5th Place: Arkansas

Rhode Island

City Portal Category:
1st Place: Seattle, Washington
2nd Place: Tampa, Florida
3rd Place: Louisville, Kentucky
4th Place: Las Vegas, Nevada
5th Place: Corpus Christi, Texas
5th Place: Portland, Oregon

Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Citrus Heights, California
Riverside, California
Tucson, Arizona

County Portal Category:
1st Place: Seminole County, Florida
2nd Place: Fulton County, Georgia
3rd Place: King County, Washington
4th Place: Sacramento County, California
5th Place: Douglas County, Colorado -also see:

Alameda County, California
Martin County, Florida
Monroe County, New York
Nevada County, California
Oakland County, Michigan

Congratulations to the Digital Government Achievement Awards 2006 Winners:

Government-to-government category:
Systems Partnering In a Demographic Repository (SPIDeR), Commonwealth of Virginia
OakVideo, Oakland County, Michigan, US Department of Health and Human Services
TexasOnline Vital Records Application, Texas
DCStat, Washington D. C.

Honorable Mentions:
eDAS, Iowa Department of Administrative Services (Protected Site)
State Agency IT Budget Planning System, Arkansas (Protected Site)

Government-to-business category:
State Treasurer's Electronic Trading, Oklahoma, Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development
TankHelper, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Dallas Online Applications & Inspections Portal, Dallas, Texas

Honorable Mentions:
Marine No Discharge Septic Online Compliance System, Rhode Island (Protected Site)
Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance and Tracking (PCIT) System, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Protected Site)

Government-to-citizen Local government category:
Aurora Connect, Aurora, Colorado
ParkFinder, Portland, Oregon
Mesh Network, Buffalo, Minnesota
Mesa Arts Center, Mesa, Arizona
Northwest Native Plant Landscaping Guide, King County, Washington Department of Natural Resources and Parks

Honorable Mentions:
Neighborhood Citizen Survey Results, Portland, Oregon
Online Service Request Center, District of Columbia (Protected Site)
Building Permit Status Search, Cook County, Illinois

Government-to-citizen State government category:
Michigan eLibrary, Library of Michigan and Department of History, Arts and Libraries
On the Spot Renewal, Utah Department of Motor Vehicles
Mediator Profile Entry and Search, North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission
Bureau of Motor Vehicles Suite of Services, Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Arizona 2-1-1 Online, Arizona

Honorable Mention:
Washington Secretary of State, Washington

Government internal category:
Correspondence, Storage, Tracking and Response (CSTAR), California Department of Justice
Emergency Whiteboard, Seminole County, Florida

Honorable Mention:
Intranet News Channels for Employees, Mesa, Arizona

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