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Government Experience Awards 2017: Inaugural Winners Announced

The Center for Digital Government announced winners of its inaugural Government Experience Awards, honoring U.S. governments who are offering citizens more integrated, anticipatory and personalized electronic services.

September 6, 2017 - The Center for Digital Government today announced the winners of the inaugural Government Experience Awards. 

The awards recognize the achievements and best practices of states, cities and counties that have gone to the web and beyond to radically improve the experience of government and push the boundaries of how citizen services are delivered. Top government jurisdictions, agencies and departments will be honored at an awards event Sept. 15 in Austin, Texas.

“Citizen expectations are increasingly being reshaped by their experiences with consumer technologies. The website is no longer the only experience they use – it’s now one of many channels in their overall experience,” said Dustin Haisler, Chief Innovation Officer for the Center for Digital Government. “The Government Experience Awards were developed to recognize government agencies that are focusing on designing and delivering services across the overall experience and not necessarily just one channel.”


Overall State Government Experience Winners:

1st Place: State of Utah
2nd Place: State of Indiana
3rd Place: State of Arkansas
4th Place: State of Michigan
5th Place: State of Mississippi


State of California
State of Georgia
State of Texas

Overall County Government Experience Winners:

1st Place: Oakland County, MI
2nd Place: County of San Diego, CA
3rd Place: King County, WA
4th Place: Sacramento County, CA
5th Place: Travis County, TX


Hillsborough County, FL
Yuma County, AZ

Overall City Government Experience Winners:

1st Place: City and County of Denver, CO
2nd Place: City of Louisville, KY
3rd Place: Village of Bayside, WI
4th Place: City and County of San Francisco, CA
5th Place: City of Los Angeles, CA


Village of Riverside, IL
City of Topeka, KS

Government Experience Innovation Award Winners:

City of Louisville IFTTT
San Diego County Digital Rights Management
Utah Predictive Government Through Google Now/Amazon Alexa

Read more about the above winners - click here.

In addition to the Overall and Innovation awards, Project award winners have a single focus area and can include more than one channel of interaction (for example mobile and web). Twenty-five Government Experience Project Awards were presented in seven categories this year and included awardees in the new project category “Business to Government Experience” as well as the federal level.

Project Experience Winners:

Federal Government Experience Winner:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – HUD Exchange Website

City Government-to-Citizen Experience:

Brooklyn Park, Minn. Neighborhood Information
Frisco, Texas myFRISCO Mobile Application
NYC  Parking Ticket Pay-or-Dispute Mobile App
Philadelphia Community Health Explorer
Salt Lake City’s SLC Mobile App

County Government-to-Citizen Experience:

Miami Dade County Automated Virtual Assistant
Oakland County Social Media Strategy and Policy
Tarrant County Public Health Be Mosquito Free

State Government Experience:

CalSTRS Redesign Project
Missouri’s “MO Fishing” Mobile App
Utah Hunting and Fishing Services
West Virginia DMV "Skip the Trip" Program

Government-to-Business Experience:

Alameda County, Calif. Permit Portal
Indiana’s INBiz
City of Long Beach BizPort
The Los Angeles Business Portal
Wisconsin ePDMP (Enhanced Prescription Drug Monitoring Program)

Government-to-Government Experience:

California Budget System
Minnesota’s Geospatial Commons
Utah Public Meeting Notice
Virginia Department of General Services Website Redesign

New category! Recognizing private-sector-created experiences established through government data, APIs, and other innovative partnerships:

Business-to-Government Experience:

GovSense - Economic Development
MySidewalk, Inc. - Performance Management for Cities
Munetrix, LLC - Scheduling, Managing & Publishing State-Mandated Public Safety Drills in Schools

The Center thanks Accela, Adobe, Civicplus, DellEMC, Deloitte, ForeScout Technologies, Laserfiche, Microsoft, NepApp/ Cisco, NIC, Nutanix, Pure Storage, SHI, Spectrum Enterprise, and Verizon, underwriters of the 201 7 contest and awards program.

About the Center for Digital Government |

The Center for Digital Government is a national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government. 

The Center is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government and education.

For questions, please contact Janet Grenslitt, Director of Surveys and Awards, at

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