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NASCIO Releases Top CIO Priorities for 2019

The report, released Thursday, breaks down where state IT leaders will be focusing their attention in the coming year.

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) released its list of top state priorities for 2019, setting recommendations that range from continuing to focus on cloud services to embracing single sign-on for citizen services.

NASCIO released the updated list Thursday, breaking its priorities for 2019 into two distinct subsets: The first is strategies, management and process solutions. The second is technologies, applications and tools. The new list has some subtle changes over the priorities the group set at this time last year.

Security has been the #1 issue for state CIOs since 2014. See what else made the #CIOtop10 list here: — NASCIO (@NASCIO) December 6, 2018
Broadband/wireless connectivity has moved up from seventh on the strategies list last year to fifth this year, while customer relationship management is a new addition all together, coming in at seventh. Also new is identity and access management, which includes chief among its work creating a single sign-on for citizen services. Displaced from the strategies list this year are shared services and agile software delivery.

As for the technologies and applications list, the changes are perhaps even more subtle, with a few priorities switching spots but only one new addition. That addition is collaboration technologies, which comes in at fifth places and displaces customer service/CRM technologies and solutions.

The NASCIO list is formed by a survey the group conducts of its membership, specifically of state CIOs, whom it asks to prioritize the top issues they face. The priorities list, the organization notes on its website, will go on to help shape the work it does in the coming year, including the sessions at its annual conference.

Eyragon Eidam is the managing editor for Industry Insider — California. He previously served as the daily news editor for Government Technology. He lives in Sacramento, Calif.