"In this pivotal election year, it's paramount that we have leadership in place to meet every challenge that may arise while simultaneously fulfilling our mandate to present a seamless and fair statewide election process," said Wells. "With Robert Giles leading the way, I'm confident the division will continue to meet these critical responsibilities in a manner the voters in New Jersey deserve."
Giles brings 13 years of experience as an investigator and voting machine technician as Executive Supervisor for the Ocean County Board of Elections. In addition to his current tenure as an Adjunct Professor of Election Administration at Rutgers University, Mr. Giles was a member of the New Jersey Association of Election Officials serving as First and Second Vice President and also on its Legal and Legislative Committee.
"I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve New Jersey as director of the Division of Elections in these most important of times," said Giles. "2008 is on pace to break records for voter participation, and that makes the work and the responsibilities of the division all the more significant. I look forward to meeting these challenges and, in doing so, making our Division an example of excellence for other states to emulate.
As Director, Mr. Giles will oversee an integrated and merged office that will include the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) unit alongside the traditional administrative functions associated with the Division. The Division also assists county election officials, county clerks and the public on matters of election administration and also certifies candidates for the ballot. Finally, it certifies and publishes election results, certifies voting machines and manages the state voter registration program to ensure compliance with the national Voter Registration Act of 1993.
For more information on the Division of Elections, please visit www.njelection