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Water Conservation Shopping Cart: Santa Clara Valley Water District

New site delivers thousands of free water-saving devices to residents.

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The Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) provides drinking water and flood protection to more than 3 million residents in California’s Silicon Valley and surrounding areas. Because the entire state of California is in an extreme drought emergency, the district has launched a new website, known as the Water Conservation Shopping Cart, to quickly and easily distribute water-conserving devices to residents.


The website site allows residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and multi-family customers to acquire a variety of free water-conserving devices, leak detection tools and signage to raise drought awareness. In its first two months of operation, the site attracted 28,000 visitors with 11,300 orders placed by more than 10,000 customers. This effort has reduced water bills for Santa Clara County residents and business owners, cut imported water costs for the agency and helped conserve the county’s extremely limited water resources.


The district used a low-code development platform to build the application and leveraged to validate addresses.
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