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Funding Virtual Summit: Unpacking the CARES Act

This Special Districts Virtual Summit helped special districts identify available CARES Act funds and offered insights on the massive federal stimulus program launched in March.


Key Takeaways

The $2.2 trillion CARES Act offers vital support for special districts, many of which are seeing rising expenses and growing demand for new technology to support remote workforces and digital services. Key CARES Act recommendations from this important virtual event include:

  • Think broadly about potential CARES Act funding opportunities. These dollars can be applied to an extremely wide range of needs related to offsetting the impact of COVID-19.
  • CARES Act dollars often flow through governors and local government leaders. Connect with these leaders to advocate for funding.
  • Keep detailed records of COVID-19 expenses. Transparency requirements for CARES Act funding are unclear at this point.
  • Closely monitor federal legislative activity for future stimulus programs. Congress currently is considering infrastructure funding legislation which could offer significant new benefits for special districts.
  • Understand your evolving technology requirements. COVID will continue to accelerate digital transformation trends, particularly around remote work and virtual citizen services.
Additional ResourcesWatch the video below to hear our experts tackle your unanswered questions from the CARES Act Webinar.

Click here to access the slides presented during the summit.

To join us at an upcoming Virtual Summit, visit our event page to register.