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Indiana Community College Offers Free Classes to Residents

Ivy Tech Community College recently announced that it will provide free classes to 10,000 Indiana residents in a range of relevant high-demand areas, including advanced manufacturing, business and cybersecurity.

(TNS) — Ivy Tech Community College recently announced that it will provide free classes to 10,000 Hoosiers in a range of relevant high-demand areas, including advanced manufacturing, business and cybersecurity.

More than 650,000 Hoosiers are experiencing unemployment, reduced hours, and/or furloughs because of the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. the classes are designed to help those affected improve their employment prospects and gain new skills.

Ivy Tech selected the classes in collaboration with employers and other partners to ensure they are aligned with existing and future job opportunities, according to a press release. Support from companies like Amatrol and Autodesk Inc. underscores the degree to which Indiana’s employers have an immediate and ongoing need for skilled workers.

In an effort to encourage those who seek to improve their skills, the college is allowing participants to take more than one free class. The classes are offered online, and there are no regular course meeting times, allowing participants to work at their own pace.

There is no need to fill out an application and no prerequisites.

More information can be found at

©2020 The Herald Bulletin (Anderson, Ind.) Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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