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Hood College Wins Grant for Edge Intelligence, STEM Programs

The federal money will support edge intelligence technologies — combining artificial intelligence with edge computing — and create test beds, allowing students to work hands-on with those systems.

Hood College has received a $95,588 grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation for the advancement of “edge intelligence.”

Edge intelligence refers to the combination of artificial intelligence and edge computing, according to a Hood College press release.

Edge computing brings data processing and analysis closer to the point in the network where the data is created, which is more efficient than sending data to a data center or cloud, according to the technology company IBM .

Edge intelligence then incorporates artificial intelligence systems by installing them at the edge of networks where the data is created, according to the press release.

The National Science Foundation awarded Hood College a grant from the Directorate for STEM’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education program. The program was created to improve STEM education for undergraduate students, according to the foundation.

Hood College plans to collaborate with Towson University to develop four low-cost test beds specifically designed for edge intelligence.

A test bed is an environment made for software-related tasks other than production, such as testing changes or updates to a database, according to IBM.

The test beds will allow students access to hands-on lab sessions and case studies, and create instructional material that will be integrated into the curriculum, according to the press release.

The grant will also cover faculty workshops to share the materials and establish a community using student clubs and seminars, according to the release.

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