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North Shore Community College Gets $735K for Tech Workforce

A Massachusetts college will use a state grant for workforce training in fields such as cybersecurity, information technology, health care, manufacturing and education, prioritizing underemployed communities.

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Credit: North Shore Community College Facebook page
(TNS) — North Shore Community College received $735,000 for workforce training via a grant from the Baker-Polito Administration, which will go toward enhancing training programs in healthcare, manufacturing, education, cybersecurity, and information technology.

NSCC plans to allocate the funding to various short-term career training programs. The priority focus will be on training nurse assistants and home health aides, but there are also plans to develop free programs in community health and help desk support training.

The nurse assistant and home health aide training course will begin July 26 at the NSCC Danvers campus.

Corporate and Professional Education Training Program Grant Manager Denise Deschamps said students will have access to a number of new resources thanks to the grant.

"Students will also have access to tutoring, coaching — includes not only interviewing skills, resume development, but also time management guidance, review of class content, etc. Students will also have access to EnGen software," Deschamps said.

Dr. Dianne Palter Gill, dean of the NSCC's Division of Corporate and Professional Education, said in a statement Monday that the ability to offer the course at no cost to the student is a "rare opportunity."

"Funds will cover the course fee, the state certification exam fee, along with textbooks, uniform, tutoring, coaching, a stipend upon successful completion of the course and another stipend once the individual has secured a position as a certified nurse assistant, and more."

These programs will prioritize underemployed communities, as identified with the help of the Latino Advisory Commission and the Black Advisory Commission.

©2022 Daily Item, Lynn, Mass. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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