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Winter Storm Pushes Albuquerque Schools, College to Remote Learning

Albuquerque Public Schools and Central New Mexico Community College shifted to online courses Thursday in light of a winter storm warning, while the University of New Mexico canceled classes altogether.

Middle-aged distance teacher having video conference call with pupil using webcam. Online education and e-learning concept. Home quarantine distance learning and working from home.
(TNS) — Albuquerque Public Schools switched to asynchronous learning for all students on Thursday after initially declaring a two-hour delay late Wednesday in response to the winter storm warning that is in effect until Friday.

University of New Mexico and Central New Mexico Community College both announced early Thursday that campuses would be closed due to weather conditions.

The distinction, however, is that while CNM will continue online courses on Thursday, UNM announced that it has canceled online and remote classes.

During the storm warning, which is expected to last until 11 a.m. on Friday, the National Weather Service of Albuquerque expects several inches of snow in Albuquerque, with much more snowfall in the mountainous regions above 6,000 feet. Heavy wind gusts are also expected.

According to the APS website, snow days have been replaced by asynchronous learning days, during which students are expected to complete lessons at home. Any students who do not have access to a digital device or the internet will be allowed to complete assignments when they return to class, the website says.

APS's zero hour activities and general education pre-K therapies have been canceled.

According to an APS news release, "(a)ll employees not involved in asynchronous learning are expected to report for duty as close to their regular report time as is safely possible."

Editor's note: This story has been updated to reflect the change in decisions by APS, CNM and UNM that was announced Thursday.

©2024 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.). Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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