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Bill Aims to Spur U.S. Leadership in Immersive Technology

The United States Leadership in Immersive Technology Act calls for a national plan to assess and advance the use of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies across key sectors, from education to agriculture.

A young kid using a virtual reality headset.
A new bipartisan bill aims to jumpstart U.S. immersive technology use, research and development in a bid to keep pace with other nations. The term immersive technology refers to extended reality (XR) tools that provide virtual, augmented and mixed reality services.

The United States Leadership in Immersive Technology Act was introduced in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate last month, according to a news release from the nonprofit XR Association (XRA), which represents members of the XR industry.

The bill, which will be reintroduced this year, would establish an Immersive Technology Advisory Panel to assess XR use in America and its impact on the country’s economic and national security. The results would be used to develop a national strategy, make funding recommendations and set voluntary standards for XR development, according to the bill.

Countries such as China and South Korea have already set national XR strategies, and invested heavily in immersive technology research and development, according to a 2023 report from XRA and George Washington University. The report was used to inform Congress on the importance of taking action on XR now, according to Joan O’Hara, XRA senior vice president of public policy.

“We got the message across that this technology is a key part of the emerging technology ecosystem and works with other emerging technologies like artificial intelligence,” O’Hara said. “As the United States continues to look at how to remain the world’s leader in technology, XR really needs to be a part of that thinking and our strategy going forward.”

The bill’s proposed advisory panel would be led by the secretary of commerce and include the secretary of education, along with leaders from nine other federal agencies, from labor and defense to agriculture and transportation. An additional six to 10 experts would be appointed to represent academic institutions, think tanks, tech companies and civil society, per the bill.

If passed, the act would require the panel to complete a study within two years on the state of XR in America. The goal, according to XRA CEO Elizabeth Hyman, is to gather the information necessary to advise the president and the government as a whole on how to advance immersive technology in America’s interest.

“This sets the foundation to look into those things — how we proceed, how we maintain and grow our leadership and competitive advantage,” Hyman said. “It also helps shine a light on how XR can help in specific areas, whether it’s education or manufacturing or health care.”

In one 2022 study of about 1,400 educators, 77 percent said XR technologies increase student engagement and can help build career skills. However, accessibility issues and the cost of the technology have been barriers to widespread implementation.
Brandi Vesco is a staff writer for the Center for Digital Education. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri and has worked as a reporter and editor for magazines and newspapers. She’s located in Northern Nevada.