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Massachusetts to Distribute 27 Grants for STEM Education

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center has announced $3.4 million in grants that will serve over 93 schools, funding local programs and “maker spaces” with 3D printers, laser-cutting equipment and other supplies.

(TNS) — The Baker-Polito Administration and the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center announced 27 grants totaling to $3.4 million for STEM education in schools and districts throughout the state, including New Bedford Public Schools.

Through the MLSC’s STEM Equipment and Teacher Professional Development Grant program, the grant will serve more than 93 schools, serving more than 38,200 students and providing more than 730 teachers with professional development, according to a press release from MLSC.

NBPS is to receive $240,000 for STEM expansion of curriculum. Dr. Ron Ho, NBHS Science Instructional Leader, wrote the grant. The district is planning a Capstone Life Sciences College and Career program to be implemented through “vertically aligned makerspaces” in the three middle schools and high school.

“Capstone projects are not common in middle school, but we see them important to fully prepare the students for high school and beyond and increase vertical alignment,” Ho wrote in a statement.

Upgrading technology through 3-D printers and laser-cutting equipment will help students practice STEM concepts and build projects to present at the Capstone Life Sciences Fair at the end of each school year.

“This new life sciences program will positively impact more than 3,500 middle and high school students who take STEM courses every year,” Ho wrote in a statement. “We strongly believe that our proposed Capstone Life Sciences College & Career Program will be instrumental in our life sciences program recruitment and engagement efforts and significantly improve the collaborative and learning culture at New Bedford Public Schools and the local community. Our industry partners also support this new program and will provide input into our curriculum and teacher development.”

The MLSC has awarded $21.5 million to more than 240 high schools and middle schools throughout the state since 2012, funding equipment, supplies and teacher professional development.

According to the press release, MLSC STEM equipment and professional development funding has served schools in 13 out of 14 Massachusetts counties and all 26 Gateway Cities, including all 39 vocational-technical high schools with a life sciences program. Including the awards announced today, 33 percent of all Massachusetts public middle and high school students have access to MLSC-funded equipment.

“Our administration is committed to supporting the next generation of the life sciences workforce by engaging Massachusetts students in hands-on learning in essential STEM curricula,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito at the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators annual conference. “With partners like the Life Sciences Center, we are continuing to expand opportunities for students to be exposed early and often to STEM, supporting their development now as learners and as future members of our thriving life sciences workforce.”

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