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Massachusetts Vocational Tech School Launches CTE Program

Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School’s program will cover auto body collision repair, carpentry, culinary, electrical, machine technology, masonry, metal fabrication/welding, and HVAC.

career technical education
(TNS) — Area high school seniors can get a taste of vocations such as carpentry, masonry and welding when Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School launches a new program allowing them to explore career education offerings.

Participating students will focus on one vocational program per week for eight weeks at Whittier Tech from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., then return to their schools to complete academic coursework.

The subjects include auto body collision repair, carpentry, culinary, electrical, machine technology, masonry, metal fabrication/welding, and HVAC.

The program is designed to count as credits, which will be determined and assigned by each sending school.

Upon graduating high school, students can choose to continue this training through Whittier Tech’s Adult Education Program, where they can earn training hours, industry-specific trade certification and be provided with job placement assistance.

According to a press release from the school, this Career Vocational and Technical Education Partnership program will run from Monday, March 21, to Friday, May 20. Seniors from Amesbury, Georgetown, Groveland, Haverhill, Ipswich, Merrimac, Newbury, Newburyport, Rowley, Salisbury, and West Newbury are eligible to apply.

Participating students are expected to meet their own school’s graduation requirements and work with their guidance counselors on class scheduling.

“This program is a great way to promote Career and Technical Education, and show students who do not attend technical schools that there are opportunities available for them in these fields,” Superintendent Maureen Lynch said. “There are so many excellent jobs with competitive wages in the trades and we are committed to finding new and innovative ways to connect students with these opportunities. We encourage anyone with an interest in CVTE to apply to the program.”

Thirty-three spots are open, three for each of Whittier’s 11 sending communities, Lynch said.

“Massachusetts is in urgent need of skilled workers in all trades,” said Vocational Coordinator Amanda Crosby, who is facilitating this new program. “The CVTE Partnership program will bring more students into the workforce and help fulfill the needs of industries that are desperate for workers. More importantly, the program provides a career pathway for recently graduated high school students who have identified they would like to continue into a trade upon graduation. I see this program is as a huge win for everyone involved.”

Students interested in enrolling in the program are encouraged to speak with their guidance counselor. For more information, contact Crosby at or 978-373-4101, ext. 384.

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