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New Online Dashboard Tracks Hawaii Public School Progress

The Hawaii Department of Education's new data portal tracks 22 data sets related to student proficiency and learning, the educator workforce and school operations, with more data sets to be added over time.

A young student climbs a staircase made from textbooks.
(TNS) — A new online dashboard has been launched by the state Department of Education to help the public and community leaders follow progress on a six-year strategic plan for improvement of Hawaii public schools.

On the LEI Kukui portal at, visitors can view data for the statewide public school system's performance in three priority areas set by the state Board of Education: "High Quality Learning," "High Quality Educator Workforce" and "Effective and Efficient Operations."

Examples of 22 data sets tracked so far on the website include percentages of students proficient in math, science and reading; on-time graduation rates; percentages of teachers who have training in their assigned subject matter; and percentages of students who say their school is safe.

"In some cases, the data is also available at a complex area or school level, and for some of the data, disaggregated by different student characteristics," Tammi Chun, DOE deputy superintendent of strategy, said in a presentation last Thursday to the BOE.

More data is expected to be added to the LEI Kukui portal over time, so that 57 "performance measures" named in the strategic plan eventually will be covered, Chun said.

The school board approved its 2023-2029 strategic plan a year ago this month, and an implementation plan in May. To achieve the priorities of "High Quality Learning," "High Quality Educator Workforce" and "Effective and Efficient Operations," the board also created 27 "desired outcomes."

The board's implementation plan includes 127 action items, plus 50 "performance measures" and eight "key performance indicators" that are considered measures of progress for the strategic plan's implementation.

The eight key performance indicators are: language arts proficiency, mathematics proficiency, science proficiency, growth in academic proficiency, regular attendance, on-time high school graduation, extended high school completion, and postsecondary education and training immediately after high school.

A ninth measure is an examination of the eight key performance indicators by subgroup, such as major races and ethnicities, English learners, students with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged students.

The DOE is scheduled in March to make a presentation on the key performance indicators and their intended "targets." A follow-up report in October is expected to cover how the schools and state performed.

The implementation plan for the 2023-2029 strategic plan for Hawaii public schools can be found here.

On the lower portion of the homepage are links for a plethora of other data on Hawaii's public schools, including the "report cards" for Hawaii for the federal Every Student Succeeds Act, StriveHI state and school reports, and the DOE's operating and capital budget.

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