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New Partnership Promotes Actionable Data for Educators

A new agreement between two state education associations and the recently merged ed-tech companies Munetrix and SchoolData Solutions offers discounted data management and planning services for Illinois school districts.

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A new sponsorship program intends to equip Illinois education leaders with more actionable data on school finances, operations and student performance.

The program offers districts a discount on data management and planning services from ed-tech companies Munetrix and SchoolData Solutions, according to a news release this week.

Paid for by the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) and the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), the cost-saving program is available to member districts of either organization. More than 97 percent of Illinois public school superintendents are IASA members, per the news release, and more than 99 percent of Illinois school boards belong to IASB.

Sponsored programs are designed to help member districts save money and are “offered to districts through pooling or trust arrangements, often governed by the districts themselves,” according to the IASB website.

This particular sponsorship aims to connect member districts with a wide range of services from Munetrix and SchoolData Solutions, which merged in August. Financial tools include budget forecasting, funding trackers and insight reports. For school operations, services range from human resource management and attendance tracking to a data reporting system for career and technical education. In student outcomes, functions include the ability to view performance trends, create literacy plans and monitor behavioral incidents.

“The Munetrix platform brings a unique blend of financial analysis and academic performance into one budget-friendly management tool,” IASA Executive Director Brent Clark said in a public statement.

The platform, which includes SchoolData services, will help schools access the data they need to make more informed decisions, according to Munetrix and SchoolData Solutions CEO Ginny Norton. Such data will allow districts to more effectively address complex challenges, the news release states, such as resource optimization, personnel retention and student intervention planning.

“We’re excited to partner with IASA and IASB to bring Illinois school administrators powerful tools that make managing data and improving outcomes easier,” Norton said in a public statement. “This partnership will help schools access our solutions more readily, while allowing administrators to spend less time on paperwork and more time supporting their students and communities.”