Following Sunday night's wind storm, the network located at the downtown district office likely experienced a power surge, according to district spokesperson Ryan Lancaster. The power surge affected the whole district, leading to downed phones and Internet services at the nearly 60-facility district.
The phones at schools were up and running around the end of the school day, while some schools' Internet had yet to be restored as the district repairs the network.
Staff used hot spots and texts to send messages to families.
If parents were unable to reach schools during the day, Lancaster said they could use the Let's Talk app, call the district office or visit schools in person.
At schools without Internet access, Lancaster said students were learning "the old-fashioned way": "from books and such."
Elena Perry's work is funded in part by members of the Spokane community via the Community Journalism and Civic Engagement Fund. This story can be republished by other organizations for free under a Creative Commons license. For more information on this, please contact our newspaper's managing editor.
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