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Staten Island Schools Invest in STEAM, Digital Skills

An elementary school will receive $10,000 for science, technology, robotics/reading, engineering, arts and math, and the College of Staten Island is launching new boot camps to equip adult learners with digital skills.

shoes on pavement facing a fork in the road between reskilling and upskilling
(TNS) — A Staten Island elementary school has received $10,000 in funding to support their STREAM program for students.

Sen. Jessica Scarcella-Spanton allocated funding to PS 57 in Clifton to support the STREAM (science, technology, robotics/reading, engineering, arts, math) program.

"As a mom of two kids who go to public school, and as the daughter of two teachers, I deeply understand the critical role education plays in shaping the lives of every child," said Scarcella-Spanton. "I can't wait to see how they utilize this to its fullest potential. I will always provide funding to support our students and our schools."

PS 57 Principal Kayrn Singleton shared gratitude to Scarcella-Spanton for the general donation.

"Your support means a great deal and will have a significant impact on our school's STREAM program," said PS 57 Principal Kayrn Singleton. "We deeply appreciate your commitment to enriching our students. We are truly grateful for your support."


The College of Staten Island (CSI) in Willowbrook has announced the launch of new cutting-edge digital skills and tech re-skill boot camps.

CSI partnered with Upright Education, a leader in career-oriented technology education, to provide high-impact digital skills and technology re-skill bootcamps designed to equip adult learners with the competencies required to thrive in the fast-paced digital economy.

"We are thrilled to join forces with Upright Education to bring these innovative boot camps to the Staten Island community," said Robert Wallace , who oversees CSI's Economic Development efforts. "This initiative aligns with our commitment to provide accessible, high-quality education that prepares our students for success in a rapidly evolving job market."

This partnership will offer a range of intensive boot camps focused on key areas, like software development, UX/UI design, data analytics and digital marketing. These programs are tailored to meet the demands of the current job market.

Key features include:
  • Comprehensive curriculum: Programming will feature a rigorous curriculum developed by industry experts, covering the latest tools, technologies and best practices.
  • Expert instructors: Participants will learn from experienced professionals with an extensive background in their respective field.
  • Career support: Graduates will receive dedicated career services, including resume workshops, interview preparation and job placement assistance.
  • Flexible learning options: To accommodate a diverse schedule, the boot camps will be offered in part-time formats with a hybrid mix of live video conferencing and asynchronous work.
"Partnering with the College of Staten Island allows us to extend our reach and impact, empowering individuals with the skills needed to excel in the tech industry," said Benny Boas , CEO of Upright Education. "Together, we are fostering a new generation of tech professionals who will drive innovation and growth in the digital age."

Enrollment of the digital skills and tech re-skill boot camps is open. Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the CSI website at or contact the admissions office for more information.

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