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Texas Schools to Get Millions for Tech After Bond Votes

School bond elections across the state of Texas set the stage for millions of dollars in new student devices, classroom tech and networking equipment, among other upgrades.

A small paper graduation cap resting on top of a stack of coins surrounded by more coins.
Texas voters said yes to some $15 billion in bonds over the election weekend, the majority being for public schools.

Proposals are largely for construction and infrastructure, but tech will be funded in many of them, according to the Texas Bond Review Board’s website.

Here is a sampling of notable amounts that will specifically go to technology:

  • Mansfield ISD will have $4 million for instructional technology such as “smart boards” and $584.5 million for equipping and renovating schools. Equipment and renovations include network infrastructure such as VoIP telephones, battery backups, network cabling, data center equipment and wireless infrastructure; disaster recovery equipment; and a network fiber ring. The district will also upgrade or replace security cameras and convert classrooms to computer labs.
  • Cedar Hill ISD will have $3.9 million to replace laptops and other devices across the district. There will be $278.5 million for capital improvements that include classrooms and a transportation facility.
  • New Braunfels ISD received the go-ahead on a $313 million total bond that includes safety measures such as emergency radios, a purchase of Raptor Tech software and additional key card readers. The schools will have iPad, staff hardware and network hardware refreshes totaling $3 million.
  • Canadian ISD will use $2 million to acquire or update instructional technology including laptops, tablets and network infrastructure.
  • Hearne ISD will have $1.5 million to upgrade its network infrastructure and purchase student devices and other technology equipment.
  • Irion County ISD will have $1 million for device replacement, technology upgrades and instructional devices.

This article was originally published by Industry Insider — Texas, a sister publication of Government Technology.
Rae D. DeShong is a Dallas-based e.Republic staff writer and has worked at The Dallas Morning News and as a community college administrator.