Longmont is encouraging residents to check out a mobile phone app available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. Information about it can be found at bit.ly/1rdcC8j.
Dan Eamon, Longmont's emergency manager, and his Office of Emergency Management said other severe-weather information systems — such as those with information from the National Weather Service in Boulder — include:
• Twitter: @NWSBoulder
• Facebook: facebook.com/NWSBoulder/
• The National Weather Service's Boulder website: weather.gov/bou/
• Weather radios that do not require internet connections and provide direct information from the National Weather Service in Boulder. Longmont officials said those can be bought at most hardware and retail stores that sell electronics.
The National Weather Service's Boulder center "provides weather, water and climate data, forecasts and warning for the protection of life," Longmont officials said Wednesday on the city's fire, police and OEM Facebook page.
"Without a doubt, the National Weather Service is the most effective way to learn about impending bad weather," city officials said.
The city staff stopped using Longmont's outdoor siren system — which was only used for tests and actual tornado warnings — after what were reported to have been at least two serious malfunctions in 2016. The City Council earlier this month decided against spending money to repair or replace the system.
John Fryar: 303-684-5211, jfryar@times-call.com or twitter.com/jfryartc
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