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Disaster Zone Podcast: The Emergency Management Workforce and Training

Training is fundamental to emergency management.

It is clear that we have a transitioning emergency management workforce with at least three generations of emergency managers now working together. That, plus how we mix the midcareer professionals entering emergency management from other professions with newly minted college graduates. These new graduates come with more technology expertise and an overall grounding in the profession — but usually no practical experience.

See this latest Disaster Zone Podcast: The Emergency Management Workforce and Training, discusses the above plus other topics such as training the workforce of today and the future.

Podcast Description:

The emergency management workforce of today continues to evolve, as does the necessary training and experience needed to be a fully qualified emergency manager. In this podcast, Robin Lindsay is interviewed about what she has seen and is seeing as the workforce matures and also transitions to a new generation of leaders. Robin has a unique background in that she started in emergency management, transitioned to being a first responder/emergency manager, and then dove deep into training and education. She is currently a Faculty Member for the FEMA National Emergency Management Advanced Academy. Additionally, she is an Emergency Management Training & Exercise Consultant – Specializing in NERP/SERP (National and State level) Emergency Repatriation Exercise Programs and AAR development.
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.
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