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Elon Musk and Leadership

Consistency is something children and employees need.

One of the topics I blog about here is leadership. I do think you can learn a great deal about people by observing their leadership style and then “adopting” those aspects of who they are and “rejecting” others that you deem to be inappropriate.

Which brings me to Elon Musk. Wow! How would you like to work for that guy? Yikes!

Who is showing up for work the next day, crazy Musk or brilliant Elon? Are they actually one and the same? I just know that here is a leader who has to be very difficult to be around — and take directions from. What crazy thought will come out tomorrow, or even this afternoon?

While not the greatest leader in the world myself, I do know that kids and employees want some consistency. They need to be comfortable in being around the boss and what his or her expectations are. You don’t want to be seeing Mr. Grouch one day and Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky the next.

It is unsettling to people and the culture of an organization when the leader is mercurial. Let’s all strive to be ourselves first and then try to be consistent with one another. I think we’ll all be better off for it.
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.
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